校長的話 Principal's Message
「一年之計在於春,一日之計在於晨」,在充滿希望的新學年伊始,作為新任校長,我很高興能夠向大家分享我對本校的展望和願景。 本校的教育理念是致力培育學生具備十三項核心價值——堅毅、尊重他人、責任感、國民身份認同、承擔精神、誠信、仁愛、守法、同理心、勤勞、感恩、團結及孝親。提升正面思維,建立正確的價值觀及積極的人生態度對學生成長至關重要,我們盼望楊中同學能發揮潛能,將來成為貢獻社會的人才。 我校的使命是鼓勵學生建立自主學習的精神,在學術上追求卓越。本校透過設計校本課程,安排恰當的教學活動,培養學生多元興趣,使同學具備基本技能,以應付這個日新月異、千變萬化的新世界中的各種挑戰。今年,我校以「熊貓」作為跨學科活動的主題,設計了一系列的教學活動,讓同學愉快學習,例如「書送快樂——熊貓書屋閱讀獎勵計劃」、「熊貓圖片英語標題設計比賽」、「熊貓畫廊」、「熊貓點心製作」、「熊貓寶寶成長印記」及「熊貓樂屋獎賞計劃」等,豐富同學的學習經歷,提高國民身份認同。 展望未來,我們希望提升學生的學術成就,讓同學能做好準備,將來積極參與社區活動,造福人群。期望畢業生能夠成為盡心盡責的領導者,致力於服務社會。讓我們攜手同行,一起踏上這段成長旅程,願與大家共勉。 袁美玲校長 |
Welcome to Lok Sin Tong Young Ko Hsiao Lin Secondary School! As the newly appointed principal, I am privileged to articulate my vision for our school community. Central to our educational philosophy is the dedication to nurturing students who embody the 13 Core Values: Perseverance, Respect for Others, Responsibility, National Identity, Commitment, Integrity, Benevolence, Law-abidingness, Empathy, Diligence, Gratitude, Filial Piety, and Unity. We believe that these values are crucial for developing well-rounded individuals capable of making meaningful contributions to society. Our mission is to inspire academic excellence while equipping students with essential skills for a dynamic world. We aim to cultivate self-directed learners adept at navigating new challenges. This year, we have adopted "Panda" as our cross-departmental theme for learning and teaching, aiming to enrich the educational experience and foster a deeper sense of National Identity among our students. The reading promotion team further employs the theme "Panda" to encourage a love of reading and to transform the reading experience into an engaging and enjoyable activity. As we look towards the next decade, we aspire to prepare our students for both academic achievement and active community engagement. We envision our graduates as compassionate leaders dedicated to serving society. Together, let us embark on this journey of growth and service. Thank you for being an integral part of the Lok Sin Tong Young Ko Hsiao Lin Secondary School family. Ms Salina Yuen |